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April 20, 2005

For two weeks, everyone was a Catholic

From the time John Paul II died until last night when Benedict XVI pronounced his blessing urbi et orbi, everyone was a catholic. The long queues said it all--it didn't matter that some people in line didn't believe in God or a god, they came anyway to catholicism's largest and most famous shrine--St. Peter's Basilica.

For two weeks, unfamiliar terms were on everyone's lips: conclave, camerlengo, in pectore. But for two weeks, two names were familiar to everyone: John Paul II and Joseph Ratzinger. The latter, pronounced great by everyone who came and paid him the respect he was due, because of his death, the latter, anticipated to be a great steward of the See as well, because of the grace he exhibited during the death of the former.

And now one name is now familiar to everyone, after two weeks: Benedict XVI.

Now it remains to be seen, if ater two weeks, everyone remains to be catholic.

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